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Raccoo Venture™ is a 3D platform adventure game with playful aesthetic and a retro style of the 90s gameplay. Raccoo is not just a simple raccoon, he is the last heir of the Guardian Power, who has protected the Holy Relic for many years, maintaining Harmony in Verta. But the evil Tattooed Tatus has stolen it and now Verta is in great danger.

Take control of Raccoo and awaken Sacred Force to face enemies and solve puzzles while exploring the 5 regions of Verta, discovering magic items that will help in this journey in search of the Relic's Parts.


The 90s were memorable for the history of 3D platform games. Whoever lived and played great classics like Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Spyro, Banjo & Kazooie, among many other great games that provided a lot of moments of huge fun, knows what I'm talking about. It was with that idea of ​​bringing this experience back to the new generation that I started to develop Raccoo Venture.

Raccoo Venture has a lot of influence and references from these great classics who wrote the history of 3D games, and brings in its essence the playful and innocent atmosphere that has often been left behind by the new video game industry.




Early Access trailer

Key Art (click to see in fullsize)
Download all the key art as .zip (35.7MB)

Logo/Icon (click to see in fullsize)
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About me

I am a Bachelor of Design, enthusiastic in the area of ​​digital games and solo developer of Raccoo Venture. For many years I have been worked in the advertising area and besides one job and another I ended up creating some advergames and short games for clients and events. But it wasn't enough, I wanted to create something solid, with content, with beginning and end, something I could call "a game". It was when I took that long road of indie games development. It has not been easy but I guarantee it has been very fun and rewarding.

Raccoo Venture © 2023 Diego Ras - Press Kit